Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4

This is from todays' bible verse.. and it hit me like a mack truck. Delight-
meaning- enjoyment; joy; rapture: YOURSELF (us) ; in the Lord and he will give-(meaning-
to present voluntarily and without expecting compensation) the desires-(meaning-A wish or longing) of your heart.

I was married-now I 'm not. I thought I was happy. I wasn't happy without God totally in my life . I wasn't happy without my family in my life. I remember calling upon God one evening-in the car. Crying out to him, Why am I here? If I don't make everyone happy-what am I doing here?
About a year and half later-things changed. God allowed me to be removed from an unhealthy marriage. A marriage where HE wasn't the focus. Yes it hurt. It hurt a lot! I didn't want to face it-I didn't want it to happen,but it did.
My Father God-carried me-I felt his presence several times through the experience. No one knows like He does. No one Heals like He can.

I still want to find my some-one-special and maybe have kids. I have to ask- is it His Will. Then Psalms 37:4 reminds me to delight myself in the Lord. The Lord won't ever leave,judge,or accuse me. My Father will always love me no matter what. I seek Him. I know Him more-He knows the desires of my heart and He can make it happen. He will give-without expecting compensation. He has already given His life for me. I should be content.

I'm a child of the King.

Remember to keep Psalm 37:4 close to your heart-

Have a beautiful delight in the Lord....He knows you!

Sunday, March 23, 2008

It Is Finished..

It is Finished...Our Lord and Savior Arose on the Third day. Those who were against him thought they had won-that Friday. They just didn't know,realize,or believe who he was.
Up from the Grave He Arose! With a mighty triumph o're His foes! He arose a victor from the dark domain and He LIVES Forever with His saints to reign...

How powerful and wonderful it is-
May Your Easter Be a powerful Celebration!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Spring is just around the corner or two. Don't get too excited. the weather can fool you. A beautiful disguise, for a change of atmosphere and cooler clothing.
Thats true within ourselves-we can also be a disguise.

Thursday, March 20, 2008


Waiting...was not one of my strong points. Being impatient was more like it. However, when it comes to being angry-we need to wait. In Psalm 4:4, "Be angry and do no sin; on your bed, reflect in your heart and be still"-wait before you respond in anger. This is a hard thing to do-but it CAN be done.

The natural reaction to being hurt by a comment or by what someone has done to us- is reacting back in anger. that situation becomes escalated and words are exchanged and damaged has progressed. Friendships are broken and sometimes do not survive a mending process. That's why its so important to wait,to cool off, and to think through the reaction.

When someone has hurt you by a reaction or in conversation or even by an action,we need to cool off before responding. Anger is a natural emotion-but its our reaction that could be negative or positive.

Prayer in the moment can help to calm us down. Wait to react and talk calmly to resolve the situation.
I know its hard- I have an Irish heritage temper...but I have seen by example and God tells us not to sin in our anger. We can do it!

Information based from the daily devotional for women from Journey.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Writing has always been a refreshing outlet for me. I mainly wrote poems whenever a situation arose that I needed to deal with. It's a gift that has always come naturally to me-totally God given.
I have shared some of my poems wiht family and very close friends. Writing is also like revealing my very personal thoughts and feelings. I am taking a venture and will be sharing some of my poems here :)

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Enjoyment of writing has to come from the heart. The desire from within yourself to create or express a thought or a story. So enjoy! Write it out!

It can be about anything~~let your imagination take a turn.

Daily Bible Verse