Monday, February 2, 2009


Remember when we have the memory of our first falling down and scraping our limb? What was our reaction? Crying -if it hurt or scared us-right? If our parents were near us they would comfort us and reassure us that it was going to be ok and took care of us. The pain didn't seem so bad after we gained that reassurance and comfort from our parent.
We also have that from our Heavenly Father. He sees us when we are trying to do His Will and our perseverance and sometimes we fall. That may be a result of someone knocking us down verbally,personally,or attacking our Lord. Our hearts are wounded and we lean on the Lord. We can still take comfort from God's Word in Psalm 119:50, "This is my comfort in my affliction, For Your word has given me life."
God is always there for us-He picks us up and comforts us;so we can continue and draw strength from Him. In Job 4:4, "Your words have upheld him who was stumbling, And you have strengthened the feeble knees Your words have upheld him who was stumbling, And you have strengthened the feeble knees."
Remember to be comforted by God and His Word,rely on Him to heal those wounds in service to Him, and draw strength from your Lord in being connected to His Word!

Daily Bible Verse